Earlier this year I was on the phone speaking with my former high school band director, Richard Almanza, regarding some music that I was lending to his school orchestra. After I hung up the phone I heard “were you just talking with Mr. A-l-m-a-n-z-a?” Soon Erin and I realized that we had the same music teacher, nearly a decade apart and at different high schools in San Diego County. I was a band student at Helix High School in La Mesa in the mid-1980s and Erin was a choir student in the early-90s in Escondido.
After realizing this connection, we started reminiscing about musical days gone by and talking about the powe
Both Erin and I always knew we were destined to work in the arts, but we never would have guessed that we also share the teacher who nurtured our passion.
After coordinating schedules, the three of us finally found time to meet over lunch. Sitting across the table, Erin and I both felt that his calm demeanor and bright smile was still there after so many years – refreshingly unchanged. Even though he has inspired thousands of young music students over his more than twenty years as a teacher, we still felt like we were the most important people he was talking with that day. As we parted, he reminded us that it was okay to call him “Richard” instead of “Mr. Almanza.” We’re not sure about that…
By Paige Satter, Concerts and Education Manager
Richard Almanza is currently Instrumental Music Director for Valhalla High School